In a few weeks, you’ll be able to watch Drew McIntyre try to take out Dave Bautista on the big screen when their new movie The Killer’s Game hits theaters.

But McIntyre wants to continue their feud back in WWE. While promoting the movie, ComicBook.com’s Chris Killian asked Drew if The Killer’s Game is the closest we’ll ever get to seeing him in “an actual match” with Bautista:

“I hope not. I mean, the fight itself [in the movie] was a lot of fun. And I was disappointed during my time in WWE when Dave was there — I kind of grew up around him in my early 20s, he was such a big star, obviously, at the time, his peak of his career — we never had that singles match. So it’s fun to get to fight with no restrictions; you know, you can kill people in movies.

“But I am very up for it [a match], obviously. It’s in Dave’s court. I said this earlier, I’m not saying that Dave’s chicken if he doesn’t accept the match, but he’s definitely something that’s another word for a cat.“

It being in Dave’s court probably means it’s not going to happen, though. The Animal just told Chris Van Vliet that while he still misses pro wrestling — especially performing in front of a live crowd — he’s extremely grateful to have retired from wrestling the way he did and doesn’t want to “tarnish” the “storybook ending” WWE and Triple H gave him at WrestleMania 35:

“And wrestlers don’t get to choose the way they go out. I did. I went out on my own terms, the way I wanted, with the guy I wanted to go out with, and I will never tarnish that.

“It’s not that I don’t miss it. I miss the crowd, I miss the energy of the crowd. I dream about walking out and hearing my entrance music. But I know if I do that, I would just tarnish my storybook ending, and I’m just not willing to do it… It’s always temptation [to go back] because I miss it and every time I hear my music, I want that feeling again! It’s like a drug — it’s pure adrenaline. I will never get that anywhere else… That’s the thing is I just have to come to terms with my time has passed.”

Can McIntyre add to that temptation and lure the someday-Hall of Famer back? Seems pretty unlikely, but Drew is good at getting under people’s skin...

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