MIDLOTHIAN – One of the top streaming shows in the country has made its way to North Texas.

"The Chosen" is a retelling of the Biblical story of Jesus, but series creator and director Dallas Jenkins said the series was made for all audiences, not just people of the Christian faith.

The historical drama based on the life of Jesus is told through the eyes of those who knew him.

The seven-season series is set against the backdrop of first-century Israel, offering an intimate look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings, but Jenkins said the drama is not just about religion.  

"It's really pointing back to the Bible. For those that don't believe, that's fine too. For them, it's just it's a historical drama," he said.

With millions of views for the series and a large social media following, "The Chosen" is now considered one of the most-watched shows in the world.

Jenkins took CBS News Texas behind the scenes in Midlothian, where the independent production has filmed since 2022.

"People in Texas believe Jesus lived here anyway. So, I think [Texas is] the right spot to film. But I also think that Texas is a place that we discovered in the first season," Jenkins said. "There was a spot that we filmed kind of out in the middle of nowhere of Texas, where we had an opportunity to use this place called the Capernaum Studios, which was this little-known little pocket that allowed us to film season one."

"[This is] a show that's focused primarily and almost solely on Jesus, not on religion, not on the church, not on the walls that we build between us and people of other faiths or denominations," he said.

Jenkins said the series brings the Bible to life and allows viewers to take in the message the Bible brings, more clearly.

"More than anything else, the show is really giving people a new perspective, a fresh perspective on the stories maybe we've heard so many times," he continued.

When CBS News Texas met the series' cast and crew, season five was well underway. While the series has been translated in dozens of different languages and is expected to eventually be dubbed into hundreds of additional languages, the cast and crew told the station bringing the Bible to life in a meaningful way that translates across multiple cultures and platforms is not an easy task.  

"It is not glamorous. We're a one-camera show which means we're doing takes over and over again," said B.J. Foreman, one of the creative minds behind the project who also serves as the art director.

Foreman said he's been with the show since its inception.

"I've always thought of this as just good cinema, good storytelling, good art," he said as he motioned to the ornate scenery around him.

Foreman believes that creative combination will leave audiences of all kinds interested in the project.

"Look at this world we get to play in. I've gotten my family to watch the show and because my name's in the credits at the end, but also because we're telling a good story, it's a fun story," he added.

While the series is currently set to end after seven seasons, it continues to receive positive feedback for its effect on audiences.  

"I don't think I necessarily set out when I first started doing the chosen to respond to something in culture or to fill some void. I think there's always been a void for a lot of people of faith, but for some reason there seems to be a unique opportunity in time now for a show like this to really resonate more than normal," Jenkins said.

The first season of The Chosen is available on various streaming platforms, as well as on The Chosen TV.

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